Rapist behind ‘Gone Girl’ kidnapping charged in more crimes — 15 years later

Category: International Criminal Law

##MatthewMuller ##GoneGirlKidnapping ##NewCharges ##CriminalLaw ##USJusticeDepartment...

Bikers can face gang charges for I-11 shootings after Nevada Supreme Court ruling

Category: International Criminal Law

#NevadaSupremeCourt #motorcycleclubs #gang-relatedcharges #I-11shootings #legalruling...

Fabio Ochoa, excapo del cartel de Medellín, llegó a Colombia tras cumplir condena en Estados Unidos

Category: International Criminal Law

#FabioOchoa #MedellínCartel #drugtrafficking #internationalcrime #Colombiancrime...

The Outrage Over 100 Men Only Goes So Far

Category: International Criminal Law

#detaineesinUganda #RefugeeLawProject #Anti-MoneyLaunderingBill #violationsofhumanrights #refugeesfromDemocraticRepublicofCongo...

Nicolas Sarkozy ordered to wear electronic tag after corruption ruling

Category: International Criminal Law

#NicolasSarkozy #corruptionruling #electronictag #Frenchpolitics #legaltroubles...

Orlando woman arrested on DUI charge in fatal crash

Category: International Criminal Law

##DUI ##fatalcrash ##Orlando ##lawenforcement ##legalproceedings...

Veterans Bill with Caregiver, Homelessness Reforms Gets Senate Approval But Needs Second House Vote

Category: International Criminal Law

##VeteransBill ##CaregiverReforms ##HomelessnessReforms ##SenateApproval ##HouseVote...

Gisèle Pelicot removes all trace of husband in France mass rape trial

Category: International Criminal Law

#GisèlePelicot #massrapetrial #France #internationalscrutiny #personalstruggle...

Private Sin: How a church protected child molesters

Category: International Criminal Law

#PrivateSin #church #childmolesters #protection #criminallaw...

Serial killer’s daughter exposes chilling secret, turns him in to police

Category: International Criminal Law

#serialkiller #daughterexposessecret #criminalfather #victimidentification #policeinvestigation...

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