Students from High Point University have gained online attention due to their fervently emotional radio commentary during a championship game. Their hugely popular call has seen the duo go viral, sparking much online conversation.

This internet sensation started when students John Hughes and Benjamin Fischer provided their intensely passionate radio commentary on the championship game. Their fervent reactions when the High Point University men’s basketball team made it into the Big South Championship final were infectious, gaining them notoriety on social media.

Their call was energetic and filled with raw enthusiasm, prompting reactions from many. Even seasoned sports journalists shared their radio call on Twitter, praising the students’ fervor and dynamism. Each twist and turn of the game was masterfully narrated by Hughes and Fischer, their emotions palpable in their voices.

The student commentators expressed their deep appreciation for the support they have been receiving online. Hughes stated in a recent interview, “We’re just two guys who love sports. It’s really shocking to see how our commentary has blown up on the internet.” Furthermore, he added, “We are extremely humbled and thankful for the support and the positive feedback we’ve received.”

Fischer echoed his sentiments, saying, “We didn’t plan for this to go viral. We just wanted to share our love for the game. It’s truly remarkable to see the response.”

Their voices have now become well-known among sports enthusiasts, propelling the High Point University’s radio station to fame. While they did not anticipate such a reaction, Hughes and Fischer are definitely enjoying their moment of viral fame. However, the duo maintains that their greatest joy still remains in the simple act of narrating the games they love.

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