Incidents of violence have escalated, with molotov cocktails and gunshots targeting Tesla properties, amid the growing public discontent towards Elon Musk.

Critics are becoming increasingly vocal against Musk over his handling of business affairs, as well as over alleged labor rights issues at Tesla, prompting some to resort to severe measures. Security has been heightened at Tesla properties across the US as a result.

The incidents began with unidentified individuals throwing homemade firebombs, or molotov cocktails, at Tesla lots. This was quickly followed by reports of gunfire, originating from nearby vantage points. The authorities were promptly alerted and investigations are ongoing.

No casualties have been reported so far from these incidents. Several valuable pieces of Tesla equipment and a number of cars in the company’s lots received considerable damage.

These criminal acts have sparked condemnation from public figures and advocates for peaceful protest. Analysts speculate that these incidents might reflect wider dissatisfaction with Musk, rather than isolated acts of violence.

Tensions have been mounting against the controversial CEO over the years. His handling of business operations, public declarations, and alleged disregard for labor rights have attracted criticism. Most notably, Musk’s move to Berlin for Tesla’s new Gigafactory amidst legal disputes over deforestation has been a focal point of controversy.

Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the incidents.

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