Outrage has been sparked by the remarks of American political commentator, Jesse Watters, who dubbed Palestinians as a ‘threat’ due to their ‘explosive’ birthrate and labeled them as ‘uneducated’.

Watters’ comments were made on Thursday night’s episode of the Fox News show ‘The Five’, where he pointed to reports suggesting Palestinians have a much higher birthrate than Israelis. His statement triggered a widespread backlash, with critics calling his remarks racist and bigoted.

Notably, Watters based his argument on an apparent demographic trend. According to him, this birthrate differential could potentially shift the balance of power in the region, hinting at it being a possible destabilizing factor.

However, his critics argue that painting a whole community as a threat based on their educational status and birthrate is both harmful and unjust. Many have taken to social media platforms to express their displeasure and call for accountability.

These criticisms reflect the ever-growing concern about the sensitive nature of discourse surrounding the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. It is a clear showcase of the need for informed, respectful, and balanced dialogue when discussing such matters.

Yet, Fox News has not released any statements addressing Watters’ remarks or the public criticism emerging in its aftermath, at the time of reporting.

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