Arman Tsarukyan, a renowned figure in the UFC 311, has shown support for Ilia Topuria’s potential transition to the lightweight division. Topuria, who currently competes as a featherweight, has expressed an interest in moving up a weight class.

Tsarukyan, himself a lightweight competitor in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), regards Topuria’s potential move positively. In a recent interview, Tsarukyan noted, “I think it would be great for him. He definitely has the skillset to compete at lightweight.” He further added that Ilia Topuria is “a tough fighter with a lot of potential.”

Topuria, an undefeated mixed martial artist, is rapidly gaining recognition within the UFC. Currently, he holds a perfect record of 11-0. Despite his success at featherweight, he has voiced a desire to explore opportunities in the lightweight division, where fighters typically carry more muscle mass and overall size.

A switch to lightweight could potentially place Topuria in the same division as Tsarukyan, setting the stage for a potential face-off between the two fighters. However, no official statement regarding Topuria’s move has been made by the UFC as of yet.

It is worth noting that Tsarukyan himself has shown growth within the lightweight division, with a promising record of 16-2. Evidently, he perceives Topuria’s potential move as a chance to both challenge and enhance the thriving lightweight roster.

While fans eagerly anticipate official news regarding Topuria’s decision, the fighter has yet to make a comment. In the coming months, Topuria’s career pathway could become more defined, be it in the featherweight category or lightweight division. As it stands, the two fighters are focused on their individual journeys within the UFC, each with their own goals and aspirations.

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