Australian actress Nicole Kidman and her daughter, Sunday Rose, recently made an appearance at W Magazine’s Golden Globes party, making a fashion statement in Miu Miu outfits. The mother-daughter duo channeled the power suiting trend, both dressing in black suits and loafers by the revered Italian fashion house.

Nicole Kidman, the acclaimed Golden Globe nominee, sported a corded lace tuxedos suit with velvet trim blazer from Miu Miu’s Autumn/Winter 2022 collection. It was paired with a sequined shirt, sleek loafers, and a ribbon necktie. Daughter, Sunday Rose, also exhibited Miu Miu’s sartorial elegance, mirroring her mother’s style in a black blazer and trousers, teamed with a white button-down shirt and the same dress shoes.

Aside from their stylish ensembles, the Kidman women were among the elite Hollywood guests at the Golden Globes party hosted by W Magazine. Their Miu Miu outfits served as an elegant take on the power suiting trend, reflecting the significance of the event.

This isn’t the first time Nicole Kidman and Sunday Rose have coordinated their outfits for a public event. Kidman, known for her impeccable taste in fashion, often collaborates with her daughter to create memorable red carpet moments. The decision to wear Miu Miu was not random, as both Kidman and her daughter have frequently been seen wearing the design house’s line, known for its boundary-pushing silhouettes and attention to detail.

Their appearance at the Golden Globes party underscores their influence in the world of fashion, managing to seamlessly blend generational trends. As they continue to step into the limelight together, their coordinated styles are set to create a new standard for mother-daughter fashion.

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