The survival thriller featuring Gerard Butler, rated 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, has experienced a surge of popularity on streaming platforms. The film previously achieved considerable success in cinemas, grossing over $74 million.

The film’s unexpected rise in streaming popularity follows its notable box office performance, which is an indication of its wide audience appeal. This intrigue is further evidenced by an impressive 94% rating on the popular movie review site Rotten Tomatoes.

The revenue figures, originally reported prior to the surge in streaming, show that the film earned an impressive $74 million at the box office. Despite the challenging circumstances facing the cinema industry, the film’s successful financial performance highlights its strong appeal and the profitability of the survival thriller genre.

While specifics about the thriller’s performance on specific streaming platforms have not been disclosed, various industry reports indicate an increasing trend towards streaming content. This context suggests that the film’s impressive performance could continue, harnessing the growing popularity of streaming platforms with a wide range of audiences.

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