Renowned television personalities Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager will be ringing in the New Year with a special event broadcast on NBC. The NYE special, set to air nationally, promises a star-studded lineup including esteemed names from the music and entertainment industries – Reba McEntire, Snoop Dogg, and George Lopez among them.

Kotb and Hager are best known for their regular appearances on “Today”, a popular daytime program on NBC. Their New Year’s Eve special marks a significant point in their careers as they host a national festive event that is set to captivate audiences across the United States.

The special event is expected to feature performances by a number of acclaimed musicians. Award-winning country artist Reba McEntire is confirmed to be part of the lineup, along with iconic rapper Snoop Dogg. Comedian George Lopez is also set to appear, adding a dose of comic relief to the night’s festivities.

No further details about the special have been released, including the segment timings or other potential guests. What is certain is that the night will be packed with entertainment, as NBC continues its tradition of bringing in the New Year with high-profile events.

All viewers are eagerly awaiting this New Year’s Special and NBC’s promise of a night filled with laughter, music and good cheer to usher in 2022.

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