“Yellowstone” series creator, Taylor Sheridan, has revealed unexpected details in the aftermath of the show’s gripping finale. Sheridan offered fresh insights, particularly regarding a critical moment of the season’s conclusion – questioning whether the patriarch John Dutton, portrayed by Kevin Costner, was really in the coffin.

In a post-finale interview, Sheridan discussed the finale, referring to the key scene where viewers were left in suspense over the identity of the person in the casket. He informs audiences that the funeral scene was purposefully left open to interpretation, igniting speculation about John Dutton’s fate.

Fans will recall that the season’s final episodes focused on a tense land dispute, underpinning the dramatic death that culminated the finale. However, Sheridan’s revelations cast the storyline in a different light, leaving audiences to question the outcome.

“There was a reason we didn’t show who was in the coffin,” Sheridan said. This statement not only intensifies speculation about John Dutton’s fate, but also highlights the complexity of the series’s plot twists. The show’s creator also expressed his delight about fan theories circulating online, and reinforced that the series is designed to keep audiences guessing.

Despite speculation about character futures, Sheridan reassured the audience by stating that the series will continue in its original format. The audience will have to endure the suspense until new episodes are aired – promising more drama, intrigue and shocking twists in the world of “Yellowstone”.

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