Kenan Thompson, well-known comedian and actor, offers his perspective on the reported low salaries of ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) cast members. Thompson, a long-standing member of the iconic late-night show, suggests that performers must “pay their dues”.

The conversation surrounding SNL’s compensation rates has been ongoing, with some reports stating entry-level performers earn approximately $147,000 per season. Thompson argues that despite the salary appearing low in comparison to the stature of the show, there is value in the experience gained.

“You kind of have to earn your way to whatever the next level is”, Thompson shared, supporting the notion that financial remuneration is not the only measure of value for a performer. Performing on SNL can fast-track a comedian’s career, he argued, offering unparalleled visibility and exposure.

Thompson, a member of the SNL cast since 2003, is no stranger to the dues-paying process. He began his journey in entertainment with shows like ‘All That’ and ‘Kenan and Kel’ on the Nickelodeon channel in the ’90s, even then earning significantly less than what he does on SNL.

The debate over the pay scale at SNL will likely continue, but Thompson’s comments shed another aspect of light on the issue, emphasising the importance of experience and career growth in television’s most iconic sketch comedy show.

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